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 After School Program Assistant Training 

These are only the online trainings for this role; this list does not include additional forms/agreements or the in-person orientation completed by this stakeholder. To learn more about the expectations for this role and CAN's onboarding process, please email

ADA Compliance & Emergency Protocols

CAN's Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Policies and Emergency Protocols.

CAN After School Program Overview

An overview of CAN's After School Programs.

All About CAN

A summary of CAN's mission, programs, and services.

CAN Style Guide Overview

Understanding CAN's Brand Identity and procedures.

How To Submit A Time Sheet

An overview of how to submit a timesheet to Community Action Network (for salaried and part-time staff, interns, and AmeriCorps VISTAs).

Implicit Bias & Cultural Humility 

CAN partners with under-resourced communities which gives us amazing opportunities to collaborate with people who may have different backgrounds than our own. Despite our best efforts, it is easy to make mistakes in these diverse spaces. It is our goal to always strive to understand our own biases and to participate in relationships with one another with cultural humility.

Information Technology Policies

As more information is used and shared in a digital format by staff, interns, volunteers, partners, and clients both within and outside of the organization, an increased effort must be made to protect the information and the technology resources that support it.

Policies & Procedures for CAN's Programs with Children & Youth

For all CAN educational programs, this presentation covers CAN's policies and procedures for maintaining consistent expectations, keeping everyone safe, and respecting confidentiality.

Understanding & Responding To Student Behavior

For staff and volunteers working with CAN's educational programs, this presentation covers the developmental needs of children and youth, discusses the effects of trauma on childhood development, and provides ways to support and respond to student behavior.

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