We're back from our break and for those of you who are new - WELCOME to the Connect newsletter!
This newsletter serves as in internal means to share organization-wide information and updates. It will come out nearly every Friday this summer and we encourage you to open and read when it's sent to your inbox to stay up to date on the latest CAN news =)
Happy Birthday June & July Babes!!! If you see someone with a birthday from this past month or next month, send them your birthday wishes!
Jessica You (Hikone Summer Program Facilitator), June 6
Moira Cummings (Creekside Summer Program Facilitator, June 6
Libby Gramlich (VISTA Leader), June 8
Thea Bultman (Arrowwood Hills Summer Program Facilitator, June 11
Bobby Portis II (Creekside Court Director), June 18
Kelonnie Mosley (Bryant Market Program Assistant), June 25
Bennine Al-Anssari (Bryant Summer Program Facilitator), July 7
Sherrie Greenleaf (Bookkeeper), July 7
Paige Swanson (Year-Long VISTA), July 13
Seth Poirot (Bryant Summer Program Facilitator), July 26
Upcoming Staff Meetings- For the summer, our org-wide meeting schedule as of right now will look as follows:
Friday Gatherings- Every site will be gathering with their teams on Friday to debrief on the week and prepare for the following week / unwind as a team. These times and agenda for each Friday will vary by site/week.
July 1 - Management Meeting (10am)
July 8 - Management Meeting (10am)
July 15 - Mid-Summer Check-In, All Educational Summer Camp Staff (10am, location/details coming soon)
July 22 - Management Meeting (10am)
July 29 - Management Meeting (10am)
August 5 - CAN Closed
August 12 - End of Summer Celebration! (more details to come)
All of our staff meetings and CAN holidays are up on the CAN Google Calendar. If you are in our Google Group listservs (canvistas@googlegroups.com, caninterns@googlegroups.com, canprogramssistants@googlegroups.com, cansummerstaff@googlegroups.com & canmanagement@googlegroups.com) you should receive an invitation to any relevant staff meetings, events, etc.
If you are not in one of these listservs, please email klampen@canwashtenaw.org so you can be added!
You can find a link to the CAN Google Calendar at www.can-academy.org/staff-resources (CAN Calendar).
Accessing Educational Summer Camp Training & Camp Materials-
Tips & Tidbits
Take a deep breath.
You got this!
How do I become a CAN Academy Member to comment on these posts?
Click the little profile icon in the upper right hand corner of the website header
Sign Up with your email and create a password
Your request will be approved and you can go into your CAN Academy profile to update the information
Make your profile "public" so you can add comments below
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions or comments (or highlights, announcements, etc.), please email Katie at klampen@canwashtenaw.org.