Happy 2022!
Happy Birthday, January Kids!
Sarah Sturm (GBC Intern), January 1
Kelly Brueger (Hikone Program Assistant), January 6
David Greene (Accountant), January 28
Even if their birthdays have passed, send them lots of love this month!
Upcoming Staff Meetings- The next couple of months, our meeting schedule as of right now will look as follows:
January 14, All Staff* Meeting: 1-3pm
January 21, Management Meeting: 1-2:30pm
January 28, Off Week: Teams meet as-needed
February 4, Management Meeting: 1-2:30pm
February 11, All Staff* Meeting: 1-3pm
February 18, Management Meeting: 1-2:30pm
January 25, Off Week: Teams meet as-needed
*All staff & interns are welcome to join, but work-study/part-time & interns are not obligated.
All of our staff meetings and CAN holidays are up on the Google Calendar. If you are in our Google Group listservs (canvistas@googlegroups.com, caninterns@googlegroups.com, canprogramssistants@googlegroups.com, & canmanagement@googlegroups.com) you should receive an invitation to the relevant staff meetings.
If you are not in one of these listservs, please email klampen@canwashtenaw.org so you can be added!
You can find a link to the CAN Google Calendar at www.can-academy.org/staff-resources (CAN Calendar).
Google Calendars are a helpful tool CAN uses so we can make updates and share them out with all of our stakeholders in case anything changes!
After School Program Plans-
January 10-14: Site teams will meet to review and prep for the upcoming semester. Please contact your supervisor if you are unsure of what your expectations are.
This time is valuable to ensure everyone is on the same page! Please make sure to set aside time to meet with your team and/or supervisor this week.
January 17: CAN Closed along with schools for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 18: Tentative first day of After School Program
We acknowledge that plans may change as a result of COVID-19 outbreaks, changing school district expectations, staff:student ratios, and other variables.
Your supervisor will be in touch to let you know if anything changes and we thank you for your flexibility!
COVID-19 Policies
We are currently in Phase 4 of our COVID-19 Safety Protocols
Each site will look a little bit different based on space, attendance, staffing, etc. so please check in with your supervisor to determine your location's specific adjustments
Please keep an eye out for communications regarding vaccinations and booster shots for staff, interns, and volunteers. More info coming soon!
Tips & Tidbits
What we're trying to do is not easy. How do we make sure everyone is safe?
Here are some ideas to keep staff and students safe and programs in operation:
Tune into your students' mental health needs and lend a listening ear
Know your limits and protect your boundaries to prevent burnout
Be consistent as much as possible
Communicate with your whole team and ask for support! CAN staff across all sites are here to help -- you are not alone!
Practice grace and assume the best of intentions :)
How do I become a CAN Academy Member to comment on these posts?
Click the little profile icon in the upper right hand corner of the website header
Sign Up with your email and create a password
Your request will be approved and you can go into your CAN Academy profile to update the information
Make your profile "public" so you can add comments below
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions or comments (or highlights, announcements, etc.), please email Katie at klampen@canwashtenaw.org.