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"Connect" is CAN's internal newsletter for staff, interns, volunteers, board members, and anyone else who would like to receive bi-weekly updates regarding highlights, announcements, and ongoing training/professional development updates. Welcome and join us in our virtual community-building endeavor!

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Updated: Jul 9, 2021

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Whether you’re taking in the news, registering families for program, or running around a food distribution, we all could use a reminder to be patient. Patient with ourselves, each other, our CAN families, and with strangers around the world. In my experience, settling into the mindset of being able to be patient is an entire feat in and of itself. I’ve found that getting out into nature is one of the best and easiest ways to recenter, regain control, recharge, and relearn what it feels like to live at your own pace--the right pace--and be patient. According to researchers at the University of Minnesota, “Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.” Did you know your eyes can see more shades of green than of any other color?

Being so passionate about the work we’re doing is an asset in terms of operating successful programs and services that make a difference in people’s lives. However, that passion can also make it harder to leave work at work, slow down, and recharge for the next day. Learning to be more patient means accepting that everyone moves at their own pace, and no one’s pace is the same--yet we still get everything done in time.

I encourage you all to get outside this summer and soak up some sun and trees outside of camp and work hours. You will thank yourself for it, and you’ll continue on the path toward that healthy work/life balance that we all strive for!

Author: Montana Crowell



  • SO MUCH IS HAPPENING! There is a lot going on behind the scenes as we prep for summer camp. This year will be another unique and special year with the focus on wellness as we adapt to an outdoor classroom model with an indoor/outdoor hybrid at some locations with the capacity to safely do-so. All of the materials are getting ordered and sorted and we can't wait!

  • Hikone, GBC, and Creekside Court have all been making updates to their centers with some input from their students to make them more cozy - go check them out!

  • It was so fun to see everyone in-person at the all staff hangout at Gallup Park. It was such a beautiful day and I hope we get to have more and more opportunities to see each other in-person. To the VISTAs who are leaving soon - you will be missed and good luck on your adventures!



  • All Staff Meetings have ended for the summer- As our schedule and pace changes for the summer, our meeting schedule will change too! Over the summer, we will take a break from all staff meetings and instead, staff will be meeting with their site teams every Friday.

  • The official last day of ASP across all of CAN is May 27, but please check with your site director to see if this end date is different at your specific CAN location.

  • CAN is closed on Memorial Day, May 31

Upcoming Summer Dates:

  • Summer Director Training is June 7 & 8 - More details to come for those to whom this applies

  • Summer Program Facilitator Training is June 14-18 - More details coming soon! Please keep an eye out in your inbox for more information!

  • CAN Educational Summer Camps: June 21 - July 29

  • CAN is closed July 2

  • YouthWorks: July 12 - August 12


Tips & Tidbits

Tired of staring at a computer screen all day?

  • Try moving your eyeballs to the left and right and around in circles.

  • Make sure your computer is raised so your head and neck are not tilted down.

  • Bob your head forward and back like a goose while walking (make a double chin and push forward); this will help realign your upper back and neck.

  • Find a standing desk, exercise ball, or other way to keep your body in motion while still be able to work.

  • Take breaks and follow Montana's advice - enjoy the outdoors and the sunshine while we have it here in Michigan. Find what helps you feel mentally and physically healthy so you can bring your best self to the table.


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  1. Click the little profile icon in the upper right hand corner of the website header

  2. Sign Up with your email and create a password

  3. Your request will be approved and you can go into your CAN Academy profile to update the information

  4. Make your profile "public" so you can add comments below


Thanks for reading! If you have any questions or comments (or highlights, announcements, etc.), please email Katie at

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1 comentário

Colette DeRaud
24 de mai. de 2021

Beautiful words Montana!!!

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