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"Connect" is CAN's internal newsletter for staff, interns, volunteers, board members, and anyone else who would like to receive bi-weekly updates regarding highlights, announcements, and ongoing training/professional development updates. Welcome and join us in our virtual community-building endeavor!

Become a CAN Academy member to comment on posts.

Why Mindfulness?

"Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor." --Thích Nhất Hạnh

Foundational to our organizational culture is mindfulness. One way that mindfulness is defined is maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment through a gentle, nurturing lens.

When we are mindful, we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them. We practice mindfulness to build resilience and joy, to practice gratitude and forgiveness, and to develop humility.

When we are mindful, we are role modeling self-control and self-care for each other and the families with whom we partner.

Learn more about why mindfulness is important to us and how we can successfully integrate this practice into our workplace culture.



Three cheers to our gift coordination, collection, sorting, and delivering team (quite literally, CAN's Santa and elves)!!!

This was SUCH a team effort and is everything that CAN is about! I mean, seriously, we had just a number of people show up to make the holidays a reality for so many families already stretched so thin. You are all the BEST!

Also, a shoutout to the Arrowwood Hills team for putting together adorable New Year bags.

Happy Holidays, everyone.

We are so grateful for you and your generosity.



  • CAN is officially closed December 24- 25 and December 31-January 1. CAN's community centers are also closed December 28-30, though some staff continue to work remotely on these days. Please check with your supervisor about your work expectations for the 28th-30th if you are unsure!

  • The Bryant Market will be closed December 24-January 1 (re-opening on Monday, January 4).

  • There will be a virtual New Hire/Intern orientation January 7 at 3pm. Directors will let their teams know if they are required to attend (this will vary from site to site).


Tips & Tidbits

CAN is a dynamic workplace. It can be hard to keep track of who is working on or supervising what project (and what projects are really even in "the works").

We've created a Dynamic Org Chart for year-round staff to help more clearly define our roles and projects. Check it out!

Or, if you're curious about what projects are in-progress or on a wishlist, visit our Ongoing Projects spreadsheet.


We hope you all enjoy your break and have some time to rest and refresh. Thank you for your commitment to CAN and CAN's families. We'll see you in the new year!

How do I become a CAN Academy Member to comment on these posts?

  1. Click the little profile icon in the upper right hand corner of the website header

  2. Sign Up with your email and create a password

  3. Your request will be approved and you can go into your CAN Academy profile to update the information

  4. Make your profile "public" so you can add comments below


Thanks for reading! If you have any questions or comments (or highlights, announcements, etc.), please email Katie at

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